Changing our attitudes towards homosexuality
When they think about what it means to be gay, many East
Africans focus on its physical implications: they think about gay
people as those who have physical relationships with members of the same sex. Because
sex is a physical act that one chooses to engage in, they figure that one can
choose whether or not to be gay. This perspective fails to take into
consideration the fact that, for many gay people, being gay precedes the act of
sex. To them, being gay means feeling attracted to people of the same sex. Even
if they never act on these feelings and choose to live a life of celibacy or one
of heterosexuality instead, they know deep down inside that they feel attracted
to members of the same sex and that they have felt that way for as long as they have been sexually aware.
This work is licensed to Rose Kahendi under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.
I have read narratives by gay people who speak about becoming
teenagers and realizing that, unlike their age mates, they felt absolutely no
attraction to members of the opposite sex. They grew older and the status quo
held: the heterosexual attraction that other people took for granted was never
a part of their experience. Instead, they remember their first experience of feeling
romantic love for another as involving somebody of the same sex.
I notice that most discussions of homosexuality in the East
African media have not evolved beyond the expression of horror or disgust at
the possibility that two men or two women can be physically intimate. Very few
East African writers set aside the focus on the sexual angle to ask what it is
that makes it possible for a man to feel attracted to a man or for a woman to
feel attracted to a woman. Very few even ponder over what it is that makes them
heterosexual. They just assume that they are heterosexual because that is the
natural state of things. They don’t think about the biological and
environmental factors that influence their sexuality. Nor do they realize that if a few factors in their lives had been different, they could possibly have been gay.
The truth of the matter is that there is no single
definitive factor that makes a person gay or straight. Rather, a variety of
factors interact to influence a person’s sexuality. They include genetic heritage, the hormones
to which a fetus is exposed while in the womb, the structure of the brain,
family influences, birth order and other factors.
Over the years, I have read of studies where it was shown
that there were demonstrably distinct differences between people who self-identify
as homosexual, and those who self-identify as heterosexual. These include physiological
differences, e.g. differences in the sizes of specific parts of the brain,
different brain responses to certain chemicals, and different ways of
processing certain forms of information. One study I read about in a science
magazine a few years ago (unfortunately, I can’t remember which one now) looked
into the family structures of gay and straight men. It found that the gay men’s
maternal female relatives tended to have more offspring than their paternal
female relatives. The conclusion was that the X-chromosome, which was passed to
these men by their mothers, was involved in some way. The scientists speculated
that this chromosome was carrying genes that increased female fertility and the
likelihood that male offspring would be homosexual.
I remember reading another article which indicated that more
gay men tended to experience rejection from their fathers than straight men.
Gay men also tended to have closer relationships with their mothers than
straight men. The conclusions were not clear cut in this one. It could be
argued that the fathers rejected their offspring because they sensed that they
were somehow different from the norm and that the mothers tried to compensate. It could also be argued that the
rejection by the fathers played a role in influencing their sons’ psychosexual development.
I can think of many more studies that focus on different
biological and environmental factors, and show them to have some kind of
influence on an individual’s sexuality.
The conclusion I am bound to draw from all of this is that sexuality is
complex, and that there are no easy explanations for the way it manifests in
individuals. Thus, being gay or straight is not about simply deciding to
feel a certain way.
Given that homosexuality is complex, and is determined by a
variety of factors, our attitudes towards it need to change. We are living in
the age of information. With access to the internet, many people really have no
excuse for holding on to superstitious beliefs about sexuality.
This work is licensed to Rose Kahendi under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported License.
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