Let's get real about Africa's burden of malnutrition
http://nutritionafrica.blogspot.com/2012/01/lets-get-real-about-africas-burden-of.html In the past, I have received criticism for my work linking malnutrition to underdevelopment and social dysfunctionality. My critics have suggested that, by identifying problems in African society and highlighting the "stigmata of malnutrition," I am giving racists ammunition for their claims that Africans are genetically inferior to other races. I beg to disagree with my critics. First, race is not a biological category. It is a socially constructed category. I have no essentialist arguments to make about Africans. What I do talk about is nutrition, which can be changed willfully by people who have choices. The point of my intervention is to raise awareness of the kind that will increase the number of nutritional choices available to most people. No reasonable man or woman would dare to claim that the nutritional needs of most of Africa's children were being met...